Working with a non verbal customer

  • The importance of communication.

  • Alternative methods and utilising these to communicate.

  • Considerations for delivery of care.

Lone Working

  • How to keep your carers safe in the field.

  • What to consider.

  • How to risk assess and what measures to put in place so that carers are supported in the field.


Below you will find a list of course headings aimed at promoting Effective and Safe Risk Assessments. Each course title outlines the core elements of the training and will often be linked with other modules to build an appropriate training session.

Reluctance to care

  • Understanding why a customer might be reluctant to care.

  • Supportive measures to ensure that your customer understands the process and what is happening,

  • Consent and customer control of care.

Carer Safety in the field

  • Consideration of the environment carers work in.

  • Provisions to put in place to protect them as much as possible.

  • Compliance is key.

Moving and Handling

Pressure Area Care

Epilepsy / Seizure Management

Clinical Care

Challenging behaviour

  • What does challenging behaviour look like? How does it present itself?

  • How to manage challenging behaviour.

  • Consideration as to triggers and known factors. How to risk assess and mitigate for care team.

Health related Risks

  • Medical questionnaires and support for carers and team members with acute or ongoing health considerations.

  • Providing appropriate support and intervention.

  • Occupational health considerations.

We also offer training aimed specifically at completing Care Assessment Risk assessments. We tailor this training alongside business instruction and often use specific customers as a way to make the training relevant to situation. This training looks at how to ensure that these types of risk assessments are robust and safe for customer and business.

Each of these sessions cover:

  • When to complete this assessment.

  • Why is this assessment necessary?

  • What questions to ask.

  • How to reduce and mitigate risks.

  • Is additional training needed for the team?

  • How to provide appropriate care and adjustments.

All of our training courses are charged at £100 / hour or £500 for a full day of training. Our training can be delivered on a 1-1 basis or in a group setting. On enquiry we will be able to advise you as to suitable options for group size depending on the training you require.

Following consultation with one of our consultants, they may recommend some training modules which may benefit your team. Please speak with your consultant to find out how we can tailor our training courses to suit your business needs.

Personal Care and Privacy and Dignity

Nutrition and Hydration



Assessing Mental Capacity

  • The 2 stage test of capacity.

  • Understanding the differences between capacity and consent.

  • Remit of a care provider with a customers capacity.

Supporting customers to achieve desired outcomes

  • Person centred approach at all times.

  • How to respect wishes and provide a quality care provision. “Needs vs Wants”.

  • Facilitating requests.

“It is the condition talking”. Helping to understand the individual we care for

  • Managing challenging behaviour.

  • Encouraging team members to look at reasons for behaviour and lead from a place of understanding.

  • The importance of training and skill sets.