Understanding Care needs and sourcing appropriately
This 1 hour session is aimed at individuals who are looking to source a provision of care. This is most often completed face to face when booking a consultation, but can also be completed via telephone or video call.
Within this hour your consultant will cover the following elements:
The care sector and the different options of care delivery.
How to consider the options available to you.
The questions you will need to consider and who to direct these to for answers.
Research opportunities to help you feel appropriately informed.
How to recognise the limitations in care and the grey areas to bear in mind.
Consideration for additional support e.g. equipment, specialist care, funding, assistive technology.
After the hour you will leave with a better understanding of:
What care you may need.
Where to start.
What the process looks like.
How to choose a provider.
What questions to ask and what to look for when completing research.
Financial implications.
(Please note that this session does not factor in personal requirements and looks to provide a detailed overview to support independent research).
This service is £150 for a remote session or £250 if completed in person (including a person centred question and answer session about your care needs (2hrs in total))
If you are looking to speak with a consultant regarding specific needs, please consider booking one of our tailored packages through face to face consultation.
Please note that prices do not include consideration for costs incurred when travelling. Our team will be happy to let you know if there would be any additional charge to services based on consultant travel and, where applicable, overnight accommodation.