All of our training is aimed at promoting the development of management teams. Our sessions look to impart knowledge in a relaxed but productive environment, using an interactive approach to engage team members to look to learn new skills.
Assessing Mental Capacity
Being “Good” all the time, not just because CQC say so
Business Management
Carer Safety in the field
Challenging Behaviour
Choosing the right member of staff
Clinical Care
Community Engagement
Conducting Meetings
CQC KLOE’s and Fundamental Standards
Customer Risk Assessments
Delegation and sharing of workloads
Effective Communication for Managers
Effective Support Plan Writing
Epilepsy / Seizure Management
Going Above and Beyond
Health related Risks
How to promote your business and encourage your business to sell itself
Importance of Partnership Working
Inspirational and Engaging Interviewing
“It is the condition talking”. Helping to understand the individual we care for
Learning styles and catering for all
Lone Working
Managing conflict
Managing poor performance
Moving and Handling
Needs Assessments
Nutrition and Hydration
Person Centred Care
Personal Care and Privacy and DIgnity
Preparing for Inspections
Pressure Area Care
Prioritising Workloads
Professional Development Plans
Reluctance to care
Retention in the Workplace
Role of an Area Manager / Branch Manager / Care Coordinator
Setting team goals
Succession Planning
Supervision and Appraisal
Supporting customers to achieve desired outcomes
Supporting your team to success
Time Management and increasing productivity
Unique Selling Point
Working with a non verbal customer